it's the 'earth is ghetto' derby black history series this october

20th/Antiracism: Making Black History an Intersectional Story  - Earth is Ghetto

20th/Antiracism: Making Black History an Intersectional Story - Earth is Ghetto

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(Photo of Bea wearing green top, necklace and earrings and a cream jacket.)

Why is there an elephant in the room when we explore the meaning of antiracism as an intention that is both personal and professional.  Do we recognise our barriers to entering the conversation?  How do we shift our perspectives in the new normal as we headline, rather than balance other priorities.

This session is for allies of Black people who want to practise antiracism, but have not had the time to do, say or learn more.  By the end of this session you will have created your own personal or professional antiracism plan.

n.b. EDI and Antiracism 'work' is not a one-time training that you attend only once in your adult life or annually.  It's a daily endeavour to seek, to understand, to remove (or at least acknowledge) our human reactions, biases and behaviours.  Consider this one of your daily positive pacts towards a better human being-dom on Earth.  


  • 10-10.40am Session 1 plus group activity
  • 10.40-10.50am Bea-Comfortable screen break
  • 10.50-11.20am Session 2 plus breakout activity
  • 11.20-11.30 Bea-Comfortable screen break
  • 11.30-noon Session 3 Planning and Pledging and Planning again


  • This webinar will take place on Zoom. 
  • This is an interactive session for allies not Black people.
  • By attending you take responsibility for your self-care as this type of session is 'good trouble' work referencing the late congressman John Lewis.